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How to Make QnA Bot using Azure QNA Maker

Updated: May 28

Ever wished you could have a personal assistant that knew all the answers to your questions about your products or services? Well, guess what? Azure QnA Maker is here to make that dream a reality! 🎉

In this blog, we're going to dive into the world of Azure QnA Maker, exploring how it works, why it's awesome, and how you can get started with it. Trust me, by the end of this read, you'll be itching to set up your very own Q&A service. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's chat about how Azure QnA Maker can revolutionize the way you handle information.

Ready to get started? Let's go!

Azure AI Bot Services

To embark on this journey, you'll need an Azure account and access to the Azure Portal. Once you're in, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive in. You can create and deploy bots using Azure Bot Framework, customise interactions with Azure Cognitive Services, and monitor performance through Azure Analytics.

Now, let's get practical. Say we're building a bot for a food portal, let's call it Cafe Me. We're going to use Azure Bot Service and QnA Maker to bring our bot to life. But hold up, before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to set the stage.

  1. Log on to the Azure portal and set up a subscription. It’s Easy!

  2. Next, create a Resource Group, let's name it 'cafeme', to keep all our goodies in one neat container.

3. Now, We need some serious cognitive power, so let's create a Cognitive Service. We'll call it 'cafemels'. This bad boy will handle our Language AI + MACHINE LEARNING needs, and guess what? It’s free!

4. Head over to “cafemels” Language service, you can find it out in your resource group. Now Click on “Get Started with Language Studio”

5. Moving on, let's shape our bot's knowledge base using QnA Maker.  

We'll import existing knowledge base content and sprinkle in some custom Q&A to give our bot that personal touch.

6. Once that's done, it's time to create our bot. 

7. Clickety-click your way back to the Azure portal and set up Azure Bot Service. Integrate QnA Maker with the bot, grab the key from 'cafemels'.

8. and voila! Our bot resource is ready to roll. 

9. Now, onto the fun part: testing. Head over to 'cafemebot-bot' and put our creation through its paces. Once we're satisfied with its performance, it's time to unleash it onto the world.

10. Choose your desired channel for user interactions. We've got options, folks! I'm taking web chat. Customize the default site, grab that iframe code along with the secret key, and integrate it into your website. Easy-peasy, right?

Click on the webchat, edit the default site, collect the iframe code along with the secret key and updat the secret key in iframe code. 

And place the iframe into the website.

From: <iframe src=''  style='min-width: 400px; width: 100%; min-height: 500px;'></iframe>


To: <iframe src=''  style='min-width: 400px; width: 100%; min-height: 500px;'></iframe>

11. But hey, our work doesn't stop there. We're in this for the long haul.

  1. Seek Reviews and Suggestions column for the smart suggestions

  2. Accept and reject the suggestions for best bot performance

  3. Whenever there's an update, just deploy the bot in the 'Deploy knowledge base' section, and we're good to go.

And there you have it, folks! With Azure Bot Service and Azure AI Bot by our side, the possibilities are endless. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let's go build some bots!

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